
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Easter 2011

Ah Easter. Confetti Eggs and Crawdads. That is what I think of when the word Easter is around. And this year did not disappoint!

The treats I made.

 Easter cake. They look like they are huddled around a fire. Haha.
 Batman kite!
 Spiderman egg!
 Emma looking so cute.
 My family April 24, 2011
 Christopher and Popo.
Horse swing, how cool is that? 
 Calum is...kissing?... a crawdad.
 Abby wants to pretend to kiss it, but is grossed out too, haha.
 Running in the sprinklers!

 Ohhh, a 'bug!'

 Rincing them off before killing steaming them. Haha.

 It's a crowd, and Josh is in the prime location.

 Batch number two!

 That is what I call a pile of shells....

Happy Easter!

Cake and Buns!

And now the fun stuff! I baked a few things that I had never made before! Hot Cross Buns, Cheesecake, and a Peanut Butter Chocolate Cake! They were all very good, if I do say so myself! The next things I am planing on making, when I have time and energy, are pies and other unique cakes.

Tons of pictures for all of them, so be ready!


 Making the crust.

Yummy filling! 
Mini Cheesecake bites! 
New York Style 
Bites and cherries! 
 Mini New York!

Reese's Peanut Butter Chocolate Cake:

 The cups that go in the batter mix!
 The chocolate for the ganach style frosting.
Mix with peanut butter.....

Frost and top with more cups! 

 Messy and delicious!

Hot Cross Buns!

Making the dough... 

Flour, cinnamon sugar, and raisins! 


I make some pretty awesome stuff. Up nest will be S'more cupcakes, Pecan/Brownie Pie, and Whoopie Pies! Not all together or immediately. I need to make time and get energy! :D Yum yum!

Diets and School

I have been extremely busy this last few weeks. Work, school, and being a Mother and Wife take so much time, that when I do have a few seconds, I like to do nothing. Haha. So this is my blog mash-up.

As far as dieting go, I could not stick to the protocol as well as the first round, so instead of wasting my drops, because that's what I was doing, I stopped the VLCD for a few more weeks until I can 'feel' the diet too. I am still planning on being down in the 160's by our family vacation to Port O'Connor over the 4th of July. I am so excited about it! I will be restarting the Round Two in a few days with renewed vigor and determination. Everybody hits a wall and I hit mine, but will overcome it without question, I am sure of it.

School is crazy right now. My financial aid is not coming through right now, and registration IS right now, so I am struggling trying to set up payment plans and pay deposits so I can at least take the classes. I hope the financial aid comes through soon tough, Josh and I have so many bills already that the only way to take all these classes is with financial aid! That's why we signed up for it!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

My Goodness, What a Tough Week

I knew Round Two would be harder, but I didn't foresee how much harder. I feel like I'm committed, but my body in automatically against me and doing what it can to NOT follow protocol. I really REALLY can not wait to be done with this round. Today was a hard day for me. I cheated, and I didn't even do it on purpose! I didn't realize what I was doing until I already swallowed. I made Christopher some mac'n'cheese for dinner and when I was done cooking it, I just took a huge ol' bite to taste it and temp it, something I used to do automatically. So I know I will be gaining or losing nothing, which bites, because today I only lost 0.2lbs, and was hoping for more tomorrow..... Boo. 

But I still HAVE lost weight. I
If I hadn't I'd be ranting about it, haha. Although I am not losing as much or as fast with this round as round one, I am still losing, thank goodness. When I weight myself this morning the grand total so far for Round Two was 8lbs even. Down to 184.4; Just 17 away from my 25lb goal for this round. I just really REALLY want to be UNDER 170 when I finish this round. Even if it's 169.8lbs. haha. But really 167, so if I gain my anticipated 2lbs during maintenance, I am still under 170. :D That's about where I was four and a half years ago, when I met my husband for the first time, I remember, although I knew I could lose a few more lbs, I felt great about myself and the clothes I wore.

I will probably be doing an "Apple Day" tomorrow. I just have to go to the store to buy some apples. Lets re-kick this round off in week two and lose another eight!!!! WooHoo!

Here are my weekly pictures, you know the rules!

And this girl is from the VERY beginning, Day one, Round One....31-ish pounds ago....


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